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what is the real cost of interior rendering?

3D interior rendering pricing can be a very confusing space. Pricing can range from $200 to $8,000 per image. The single most significant factor when it comes to determining the cost of your 3D Rendering project is determining the type. There is a big difference between rendering a small home vs a High Rise Tower. If you are unfamiliar with the service types below, we suggest you visit our service pages for more information regarding your specific project.There are two main factors that influence the pricing of 3D rendering:

living room rendering1) 3D rendering jobs:The labor involved in a 3D render is not as straight forward as one might think. Skilled 3D artists can create what can appear to be an extremely detailed scene in a short amount of time using the tools at their disposal. On the other hand, seemingly simple scenes might take much longer.For example, one could create a large and very accurate aerial view of a forest very quickly using public topographical data and several automated processes. However, it could take several days or weeks to model a single piece of equipment, according to exacting standards, such as an electronic device with complex circuit boards and wiring.In many cases, the process can be sped up using items from our libraries, such as furniture, cars, people, and finishes. The main factors that affect labor are the level of detail and the number of unique elements required. Once a 3D render has computed, most studios employ a photoshop artist / graphic designer touch up the image. Post-production can be a minor or major part of the process. Some studios render a fundamental scene then do must of the detailing in photoshop. We take a more minimal approach to post-processing. A studio could do no post-processing, but almost always is there some color tweaking or touch-ups required.

living room rendering2) rendering time: Rendering time is the amount of time that it takes a computer to create your image. Rendering time is directly related to how realistic the image is, and how much detail you require. However, there are many tricks to create detail without adding much rendering time.As a consumer, you should not worry too much about rendering time: that is the job of the rendering company! We provide the information below to help you understand why some projects cost more and take longer, then others.


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