Home :: Blog :: Office lounge area design renderings:3 principles about the interior design renderings of the office loung area.

Office lounge area design renderings:3 principles about the interior design renderings of the office loung area.

Office lounge area design renderings.interior design process. The design rendering style of the tea area is the modern minimalist style that the designer is good at.

The large floor-to-ceiling glass gives a good visual effect. where to buy Office lounge area  rendering online

On the wall is a bookcase with green plants, neatly arranged, beautiful and practical, which perfectly matches the house, spatial planning , and visual communication.

In this project, the double value is the most prominent.

1. The first principle of office lounge design: comfort


Unlike the overall design needs of the office, the office lounge area is where people relax.
For instance, It emphasizes freedom and emphasizes comfort. This is the first principle of office lounge design.

2, the second principle of office lounge design: surprise

Putting some interesting little things in the office lounge area not only maximizes the attention of the people but also acts as a nervous psychological transfer.

At the same time, these items can also become “good friends” when people are free, thus alleviating this situation, though some surprises, small items are small.

Frankly speaking, achieving the goal of diverting people’s attention is the real goal of relaxation and leisure, Tea area design rendering

3. The third principle of office lounge design: thinking

Last but not least, the seemingly casual office lounge area contains a lot of psychological knowledge. Therefore, rapid scene changes can make the brain accept the fastest hormones,

while familiar items allow people to get into it quickly.

In the process of constantly exciting the brain, establish a free and familiar scene to enrich the thinking of people.
Emphasizing comfort, highlighting the sense of thinking, surprise,

is the three principles of office lounge design, welcome to consult Wan Teng Vision, is a rendering company that focuses on interior design renderings,

always allows customers to minimize capital investment according to customer needs For maximum return, how to design office lounge area rendering.


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